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Jumpbooks what are they?

Shopping for General Books online


What are Jumpbooks?

Jumpbooks are ebooks meaning electronic books that you can access online from your computer.

Features of Jumpbooks?

Since Jumpbooks are books that are accessed online, you would think that you constantly need a connection to the internet to view these books. That is not the case you can actually check out chapters of the book when you are online so that they are available on your computer when you are offline.

What are the computer hardware requirements for Jumpbooks?

Recommended System Specifications for VitalSource Bookshelf:
- Windows Vista or greater, or Mac OS X 10.5 or greater
- 2.0 GHz Intel processor
- 1GB of RAM
- 1024x768 screen resolution or larger.

Where do I go to access Jumpbooks that I have purchased?

You can access your Jumpbooks online by clicking on the Signin access link below; before you can access your books, you must register at the Create your Jumpbooks Account site link, which has been provided below.

Create your Jumpbooks Account

Signin to access your Jumpbooks